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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

THE TRUTH OF LIFE....................


Rebecca Mecomber said...

GREAT POST!!!!!!!!

I think if more Westerners gave of their personal wealth (NOT through government programs or aid), this would instill gratitude in us and feed the hungry over there.

Anna said...

Thank you for the reminder. I showed this to my 13 year old son who thinks his life is so horrible because he is on restriction. This really puts things in a new perspective.

Anonymous said...

This is a powerful post. I hope many will get the chance to see and read it, and be affected by its message the way it touched me.

Wendy Lopez-Redaon said...

wow! very compelling.

Anonymous said...

I have decided to write about your post, and provided links to it so that others will get to see the pictures and learn from its message.

I hope you don't mind but I have taken the liberty of borrowing the first two photos to provide an intro to your site.

Kim said...

Wonderful post! Thanks for doing good work!

Unknown said...

Wow, such a powerful and compelling post. Pictures always speak louder than voice. And 10 times more louder when captions that add to the message is included.

Great Post. :)

boogiemum said...

Great Post! I have a similar topic planned tomorrow and am going to link to this one. Thank you for sharing this great reminder.